Montag, 5. Oktober 2009

It is all about my poor puppy Jeannie

I had just a very good conversation with a clinic doctor and now I will take Jeannie there
It takes 3-5 Days and 2 surgeries to make her like new, he think. And I have to get the money together to pay all the bills, he think it will be 2000 euros. More on my other Blog

3 Kommentare:

Chrissie hat gesagt…

I am happy to hear that Jeannie is wagging her tail and hope so much that she will recover quickly from her surgery.

minic hat gesagt…

Ich wünsche dir und deiner Jeannie
nur das Beste und dass ihr beide die
schlimmen Tage gut übersteht.
Ganz liebe Grüße von Antje

Corryna hat gesagt…

I just read that your dog has been hit by a car. That is such a shame... I wish her all the best. It is always so hard to get through time, if you are waiting for someone to recover (people or animals, it doesn't matter if you love them). I hope your dear Jeannie will recover soon.

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