Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2008

mixed media collage
19 x 22 cm

Die Kunst ist der Spiegel der innersten Seele.

Art is the mirror of the most internal soul.
Bettina von Arnim

20 x 14 cm
fabric collage
Just simple

Diejenigen, die keine Fehler machen,
machen den größten aller Fehler:
sie versuchen nichts Neues.

mixed media collage
13 x 20 cm
Those which do no mistakes do biggest of all mistakes: they try nothing new.
Anthony de Mello

5 Kommentare:

gunnelsvensson hat gesagt…

your new fabric collage are beutiful! Is´t old fabrics?? And the beautiful lady, where is she from??

Ann Christine Dennison hat gesagt…

Beautiful textiles!

I found your blog through a Japanese site believe it or not ...
I found myself on it too, it is a small world isn't it?!


Corryna hat gesagt…

I love these small artworks. The colours are just right, just as the stitching. I wonder if the Photo's are printed on fabric or are of paper.


creativelenna hat gesagt…

Beautiful fabric collages. I found you through a Google Alert on fabric collage. I am very happy I did! Lenna

Sandra Monat hat gesagt…

"just simple" finde ich wunderschön!

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