22,5 x 25 cm
mixed media Collage
mixed media Collage

"Man besitzt nie etwas wirklich. Nur eine Zeitlang bewahrt man es auf.
Ist man nicht fähig, es wegzugeben, wird man selbst festgehalten."
" We never owns a little bit really.
Only for a while we keep it.
If we not able to give it away, we are held on ouerself."
" We never owns a little bit really.
Only for a while we keep it.
If we not able to give it away, we are held on ouerself."
Anthony de Mello

mixed media Collage
"Männer können zu gewissen Zeiten
ihres Lebens leidenschaftliche Liebhaber sein.
Es gibt aber keinen einzigen unter ihnen,
den man als großen Liebenden ansprechen könnte.
Selbst in ihren heftigsten Überschwange geben sie sich
nicht völlig hin."
Simone de Beauvoir

12 x 15 mixed media Collage
Art is not a thing, it is a way.
Art is not a thing, it is a way.
7 Kommentare:
Your mixed media quilt blocks are BEAUTIFUL!!!
These are truly beautiful. Congratulations on your recent magazine article too!
Thanks for sharing!
Beate, thank you so, so much! I love your art and I love the picture you send me. And I am thrilled: the magazine Patchwork Professional arrived too! It is on my blog!
Vielen, vielen Dank!
Ich bin begeistert...
Absolutely meticulous work as always! I'd love to put one of these up on Deepwater Journal in a blog if ever you're up to it.
Hope your old back is better and that it supports your magnificent person so you can do your art.
Really love the fabric and photo mix. I like the dark pink and greeny blue together.
Funny I bought the very same old buttons as on your last piece yesterday in a thrift shop!
By the way I'm hosting a " one day holiday" event on my blog would you like to take part?
Read you soon.
These are so beautiful - as is all the things in your blog. I love fabric collage!
It is my pleasure to pass this award on to others that have created and shared beautiful works! (http://nadelstiche-paperart.blogspot.com/)
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