mixed media collage
19 x 22 cm
Die Kunst ist der Spiegel der innersten Seele.
Art is the mirror of the most internal soul.
Bettina von Arnim
Just simple
Diejenigen, die keine Fehler machen, machen den größten aller Fehler: sie versuchen nichts Neues.

mixed media collage
13 x 20 cm
Those which do no mistakes do biggest of all mistakes: they try nothing new. Anthony de Mello
5 Kommentare:
your new fabric collage are beutiful! Is´t old fabrics?? And the beautiful lady, where is she from??
Beautiful textiles!
I found your blog through a Japanese site believe it or not ...
I found myself on it too, it is a small world isn't it?!
I love these small artworks. The colours are just right, just as the stitching. I wonder if the Photo's are printed on fabric or are of paper.
Beautiful fabric collages. I found you through a Google Alert on fabric collage. I am very happy I did! Lenna
"just simple" finde ich wunderschön!
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