Dienstag, 14. November 2006

Königinnenkaktus - Queen's cactus

Lesson #2 PersonellSymbols
Susan Sorrell Online Class

22 x 18 cm
mixed media

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I like this. Wonderful colours!

Sarah hat gesagt…

OMG! I love the color and design. . . Fantastic!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Oh Beate!!! The colors are just delightful. It really sings.. I just got a chance to see some of your other work and all I can say is WOW !! you have much to be proud of. I can't wait till I have some time to try postcards too. little jewels

Susan Schwake hat gesagt…

this is really really beautiful beate!
and guess what just arrived? in time for my blog birthday party?
your LUCKY glucklish! oooh it is stunning. i am going to frame it carefully and enjoy it in my home forever.
thank you danke danke danke schoen!

Helen in the UK hat gesagt…

I really like this - great work :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

This is so beautiful Beate, I love both the colour, design and textures you have used.

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