Montag, 5. Oktober 2009

Jeannie has been hit by a car

It is 6: 12 and I'm already 1 hours at the computer, because I can not sleep - I need to think of the poor Jeannie with their dislocated joints, and I hope they treat them nice, in the hospital, and I hope they sleep and has no pain.
I ask myself over and over again, whether the accident could have been avoided. In three hours I hope to achieve by the vet, I hope she is a competent expert and can tell me what I should do.
Of course, the cost of care, strong ones, make me think, because at the moment I have really no money for such special issues. I ride with a broken clutch, because I was not able to pay the repair, waiting for the tax rebate.
The costs to date amounts through the X-ray, stay in the hospital, etc. are minimum to 400 euros. That costs for the next step, including the Nakos, etc., certainly going to 1000 Euro.

In my shop Dawanda I offer things to buy, just as in my blog shop and both of my etsy shop here etsy and here. There are many things that I sell, for example, fine art photography cards, or my Fotoedition. It should be possible that I earn my money from my creative work?

6 Kommentare:

Lesnes hat gesagt…

Oh, that's dreadful Beate... I do hope she gets better quickly. I also understand about the vet's fees. They are very expensive here in the UK too. We cancelled our pet insurance when my husband left work - but now I really wish we hadn't.

thinking of you both X

angela recada hat gesagt…

Oh, dear Beate, I am so very sorry to hear this terrible news! Poor Jeannie. Poor you.

Here in the US veterinary care can get very expensive, too. Our dog recently had two surgeries that he desperately needed, which we had not planned for financially.

I wish you both all the best. . .

Angelika Westermann hat gesagt…

Oh Beate, wie schrecklich! Ich drücke die Daumen, daß Deine Hundine bald wieder in Ordnung ist. Es ist doch fast so schlimm wie bei den Kindern, wenn den Tieren etwas fehlt.
Alles Gute, Angelika

angela recada hat gesagt…

Hi Beate,

I hope you don't mind. I mentioned Jeannie's accident in my post today and I used one of your photos of Jeannie. If you object, please let me know.

I hope my post helps bring some more people to your shops.


outofthedark hat gesagt…

what terribly sad news about your lovely dog.
many prayers for a safe surgery and quick recovery!
i shall visit your shops...
maybe buy something to help a little pay for the surgeries.
love to you!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Oh dear, I was so sorry to read about Jeannie via Angela Recada's blog. I am sending my heartfelt best wishes that she recovers very soon.

With love, CJ xx

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