all the stupid men." Marie von Ebern -Eschenbach
16,5 x 19 cm - Mixed Media
Es gibt eine Geschichte zu dem Foto, das ich in dieser Collage benutzt habe. Gefunden habe ich es hier flikr . Natürlich habe ich Marie angeschrieben und sie gefragt, ob sie damit einverstanden ist, wenn ich dieses Foto verwende. Sie hat mir folgendes geantwortet:
Oh I think that would be lovely. She was very dear to me
and I lived with her for three years. My only stipulation
is that this image is not used for anything other than a
one off project. I would love to see it when it's finished.
Thank you so much Marie
Oh I think that would be lovely. She was very dear to me
and I lived with her for three years. My only stipulation
is that this image is not used for anything other than a
one off project. I would love to see it when it's finished.
Thank you so much Marie
1 Kommentar:
Beate, I love your "white work" -- and all your work. So inspiring. Pat
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