Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008

to Day...

...I made this cover


First I have carded my wool and linen fibers to get around the color which I wanted,
then I felted pieces with the Embellisher and I spun wool
I had a wonderful time

6 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

This is wonderful Beate, love the colour and texture.

belula hat gesagt…

I love this one!!!....lovely blog...

Micki hat gesagt…

Fantastic cover!

Corryna hat gesagt…

Sieht wieder gut aus! Go Beate, go! :-)

Miss*Laurence hat gesagt…

OH NO!! I ABSOLUTELY NEED an embellisher now! Everyone makes such wonderful pieces with it - it takes ages needle felting by hand!!!
I love the colours and the sleek finish.

Beverly Kaye hat gesagt…

Your colors are intoxicating! I'm so glad I found this blog!

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