Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008

ATC for a Swap

5 Kommentare:

Corryna hat gesagt…

Wunderbar! I wish I was the one to receive it.
It almost looks as if it is hundred years old, kept in good conditions, and originally in the hands of Indians.


Angela hat gesagt…

What a beautiful ATC, it's so interesting with the different fabrics and stitches, very textural

Julia hat gesagt…

Yes Beate...The recipient will be a very lucky lady :-)
The combination of textures,stitches and colours is so wonderful!

Anonym hat gesagt…

I loved this! Looks so earthy -- like a scarecrow in a corn field that's been left there for years!


Contessa Kris hat gesagt…

Gorgeous gorgeous ATC! I know your recipient is going to be super happy!

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