2 x 3 macht 4
Widdewiddewitt und Drei macht Neune !!
Ich mach' mir die Welt
Widdewidde wie sie mir gefällt
Widdewiddewitt und Drei macht Neune !!
Ich mach' mir die Welt
Widdewidde wie sie mir gefällt

Pippi Longstocking (Swedish Pippi Långstrump) is a fictional character in a series of children's books created by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. She is very unconventional, assertive, and extraordinarily strong, being able to lift her horse one-handed without difficulty. She frequently mocks and dupes the adults she encounters, an attitude likely to appeal to young readers; however, Pippi usually reserves her worst behavior for the most pompous and condescending of adults. Pippi claims her full name is Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Efraim's Daughter Longstocking (Swedish: Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter Långstrump). Her fiery red hair is worn in braids that are so tightly wound that they stick out sideways from her head.

40 x 25 cm
hand made and hand dyed wool felt
hand made and hand dyed wool felt
5 Kommentare:
Love this Beate! It's wonderful!
Fabulous, Beate! I'm letting everyone know on my link list that I'm getting ready for my 10,000th visitor - the lucky one will be getting a gift!
Wunderschön! Finde die Gestaltung mit den schönen Stichen grandios.
Ist nicht so schlimm, wenns mit der Karte nicht klappt. Muß jetzt mal in Ruhe deinen Artikel lesen.
Liebe Grüße
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