Ich habe schon richtig gelitten, weil ich so wenig Zeit hatte, um an der Embellisher zu arbeiten.
I have quite suffered properly, because I had so little time to work on the Embellisher.
Das hat sich nun geändert - Now this has changed
And I made this little piece

8,5 x 15,5 cm

" As grown" - "Wie gewachsen"
18 x 25 cm

I have found the branch of my walks with Negrita and had trouble to protect it against her.

mixed media

I love roughly and laxly weaved fabrics to combine with other materials

I have used different stuff:
burlaps/hessian, flannel, prefelt, roven of camel hair, stinging nettle, handmade paper and Ramiefiber

So präsentiere ich diese Arbeit - auf einem wunderschönen Naturstoff.
Thus I present this work - on a piece of wonderful material
11 Kommentare:
The piece with the branch is phenomenal --- I love all of the textures, and they work well with the natural fibers and colors --- GREAT work!
It is wonderful to see your new work Beate. You have such an eye for your art and make wonderful creations. The branch incorporated into this piece is wonderful... so unusual a piece of art. Fabulous!!! I am in awe :0
Well done! They're both lovely but my favourite is the blue and green. The colours are so delicate!
I love the piece with the branch, also... I must say, I don't go out walking with dogs because they think the sticks I pick up are for them, when of course, they are for *me*! I once made a totem doll for a friend, six months later it had disappeared; the dog ate it...
deine komposition von holz und textilie find ich wunderbar. wunderbar. wunderbar.
lg: rita
It is a wonderful piece. Love the addition of the branch.
love this so much. everything about it!
I love the colours and textures you have going here. Fabulous.
The piece with the branch is wonderful. It looks so earthy and natural. Your work is inspiring.
Woll ja! Das grüne ist toll aber das braune mal wieder mein Favorit.
I love this "Naturstoff" it´s soft and beautiful colors!
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