Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2006

In den Tiefen der Farbe Blau
In the depths of the colour Blue
10 x 15 cm
no more available

Die Sonne scheint immer und überall
The sun appears always and everywhere
10 x 15 cm

Chaos dépressif
Depressive chaos
10 x 15 cm

auf und davon
up and away
10 x 15 cm

3 Kommentare:

Joanna hat gesagt…

Beat, your postcards are really special. I especially like the brushed paint look. I have a group on Yahoo called SurfaceDesign. You may find us of interest. We do small trades of postcards using a particular technique or theme and we are more catered towards the art quilters.

Love your work.


Elle hat gesagt…

These postcards are great! So dynamic!

Helen in the UK hat gesagt…

My favourite of the abstract cards is Up and Away - the red/yellow pieces give it great impact and movement :)

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